About Washington County Schools

  • The area of today's Washington County was long inhabited by various indigenous people. In historic times, European traders encountered first Choctaw and later Creek Indians, who had moved southwest from Georgia as early Europeans encroached on their land.

    Washington County was organized on June 4, 1800, from the Tombigbee District of the Mississippi Territory by proclamation of territorial governor Winthrop Sargent. It was the first county organized in what would later become Alabama, as settlers moved westward after the American Revolutionary War.

    Washington County is the site of St. Stephens, the first territorial capital of Alabama. In 1807, former U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr was arrested at Wakefield in Washington County, during his flight from being prosecuted for alleged treason (from which he was eventually exonerated).  Today, St. Stephens serves as a historical park where school children from across the state visit. 

    Washington County is the sixth largest (area-wise) county in the state with 1,089 square miles.  It is the home to chemical industries, farmland, and timberland. 

    About our District

    2,298 students
    Elected Board of Education - 5 Members
    Elected Superintendent, Curtis Kirkland
    3 K-12 schools, 2 High Schools, 2 Elementary Schools, 1 Career Technical School
    Alabama Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Initiative is utilized in all schools.


    Accredited by AdvancED
    ACT College and Career Ready Community
    Large percentage of Dual Enrollment Students
    Digital Device for each student