

Degrees and Certifications:

Brandon Dees, Driver Ed Teacher

Beginning Kinesiology Curriculum Grade 9

* Beginning Kinesiology is the physical education course required for graduation. It is a stand alone course which encompasses the basic concepts of athletics and fitness, and introduces students to the basic physiological, psychological, sociological, and mechanical principles of human movement. Students will be empowered to make choices, meet challenges, and develop positive behaviors in fitness, wellness, and movement activity for a lifetime.

* Curriculum:
   + ACCESS Franchise Model provided by the Alabama State Department of Education
         - ACCESS Virtual Learning | ACCESS Virtual Learning (
         - Also available on Schoology (provided and managed by the Washington County Board of Education)


Driver and Traffic Safety Education Curriculum Grade 10

* The goal of the Driver and Traffic Safety Education program—to learn the fundamentals of safe and responsible driving within a variety of environments—is broad but achievable. This goal is attained through the required minimum 30 hours of classroom instruction. Actual hands-on or performance based driving experience in a vehicle under the supervision of a certified driver education teacher is also required. Optional phases of the program—simulation and multi-vehicle driving range experiences—may also be included in the course. It is recommended that students complete at least one of these phases, if not both, before progressing to the behind-the-wheel  hase of driving instruction.
* Curriculum:


Career Preparedness B Grade 9

* Career Preparedness focuses on three integrated areas of instruction: academic planning and career development, financial literacy, and technology. Course content includes college and career preparation, computer literacy skills, and personal finance. Technology topics are interwoven throughout course instruction. These standards are designed to provide a strong foundation for student acquisition of the skills, attitudes, and knowledge that enable them to achieve success in school, at work, and across the life span. 
* Curriculum: ACCESS Franchise Model provided by the Alabama State Department of Education
     + ACCESS Virtual Learning | ACCESS Virtual Learning (
     + Also available on Schoology (provided and managed by the Washington County Board of Education)