- Washington County Public Schools
- WCHS Curriculum
- Wofford, Clint - Science
Washington County High School
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WCHS Curriculum
- Agee, Mindy - ELA
- Baughn, Woody - Math
- Beech, Summer - Math
- Behlen, Kress - FCS
- Carpenter, Johnny - PE
- Dees, Brandon - DriversEd
- Dorman, Richard - AG
- Dyess, Shana - Science
- Fields, Collin - Social Studies
- Finley, James - Band/Music
- Franks, Amanda - Math
- Hadley, Cassie - Counselor
- Henry, Brian - History
- Jacobs, Deborah - Sci & Social
- Ross, Melanie - CompSci
- Spence, Michelle - Special Ed
- Sullivan, Abigail - Resource
- Tarver, Crimson - 5-6 ELA
- Walker, Donna - Resource
- Warr, Farrah - ELA
- Whitsett, Justin - History
- Williams, Tella - Science
- Wofford, Clint - Science
Degrees and Certifications:
Clint Wofford, Science Teacher
Wofford Science Curriculum
Introduction: The Alabama Course of Study: Science defines what learners should know and be able to accomplish after each grade level or course in order to be scientifically literate citizens upon graduation. This document was created by the Science Course of Study Committee and Task Force consisting of educators from kindergarten through college, education specialists, public school administrators, and business and community leaders. Teachers with expertise in special populations were present with the committee and task force to offer advice, perspective, and professional expertise as the group considered the supports which are needed for students with special needs. The structure of the Alabama course of study in science reflects the approach outlined by the National Research Council’s 2012 document, A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. The 2023 Alabama Course of Study: Science incorporates the three dimensions around which K-12 science and engineering education are built. These dimensions are scientific and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts that unify the study of science through their common application across all domains of science and engineering, and the disciplinary core ideas in the physical, life, and Earth and
space sciences and in engineering, technology, and applications of science. Alabama’s K-12 science program emphasizes the importance of teaching science every day to every student in every grade. This document provides foundational knowledge and learning progressions that are coherent, vertically aligned, and increasingly rigorous. The standards are designed to prepare scientifically literate citizens who can evaluate the quality of science information, appreciate science as a way of knowing about the world, and make sound, evidence-based decisions. Effective implementation of the 2023 Alabama Course of Study: Science will help develop confident and capable graduates who are vital to Alabama’s economic productivity and our nation’s competitiveness in the global market.
10th Grade
Chemistry Matter and Change
ISBN: 0078664195
Glencoe Physical Science
ISBN: 9780076774562
11th Grade
Glencoe Earth Science
ISBN: 9780076587131
Chemistry Matter and Change
ISBN: 0078664195